We bought Bobstar in 2013 to be our first resident bull so that we could breed from our own females and grow the herd. He loved to have his tummy scratched and though a youngster when he joined us, he grew to over 1000kg and inspired the name of our bigger box which will suit a larger household or those that may entertain more. There’ll be a bit more of everything in this box. Think big, think Bob!!
In keeping with our sustainable farming principles of using the whole animal, the contents of our beef boxes vary but will include a range from the following cuts: steaks, mince, stewing or braising steak, shin, brisket, burgers, sausages and a roasting joint . As we get to know our customers we do our best to include your preferred items. You may like to visit our Recipes section for some ideas if you need them plus we are always on hand if you need any tips on how to cook with something that you may not be so familiar with.